Capote 10/09/24
by Gideon58
We watch Capote and good pal Harper Lee begin a legitimate investigation into the murders but everything seems to change once Capote lays eyes on Perry Smith, As the film progresses, everything else becomes background as the film whittles down to the relationship between Capote and Smith.
Capote 1/11/23
by ScarletLion
But this film is neither a biopic, nor is it a 'slice of life' film that shows a few days or weeks in the life of someone, as films such as 'Blonde', 'Spencer' or 'Jackie' do so well.
Capote 1/07/21
by Takoma11
The film seems to position Capote's fascination with Smith as arising from the way that Smith pushes the emotional and attention-seeking buttons in Capote.
Capote 2/05/06
by TheUsualSuspect
See Capote for the riveting performance, then again, that's why everyone is seeing it anyway.