

The Salesman   3/17/22
by Takoma11
In the wake of Rana's attack, Emad's anger radiates out like an explosion: anger at the "promiscuous" woman who had the apartment before them, anger at the friend who found them the apartment, anger even at Rana herself for still being afraid to shower alone.

The Salesman   4/13/17
by ashdoc
The schoolboys make fun of Emad behind his back and jokingly call him salesman because he and Rana act in a production of 'Death of a Salesman' by Arthur Miller .

The Salesman   3/06/17
by ScarletLion
It's an interesting revenge tale that intertwines Arthur Miller's play 'Death of a Salesman' with a similar real life quandry, and the resemblance of the play and the movie's plot is familiar, but not so similar that it causes the movie to lose focus.

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