

Seven Samurai   3/22/16
by Omnizoa
At least we don't have the ruthlessly dead exposition that we got with Battle Beyond the Stars, which is an unfortunate result because what BBTS seemed to take away from Seven Samurai most was just the basic concept, when Seven Samurai's greatest strength is it's varied and thoughtful character inte...

Seven Samurai   10/29/15
by Iroquois
The plot of Seven Samurai follows some poor farmers trying to figure out how to deal with a bandit clan threatening to commit their yearly raid on the farmers' village.

Seven Samurai   5/03/15
by kkl10
Seven Samurai overflows with beauty and genius subverted between the lines of the cinematic composition.

Seven Samurai   9/07/14
by Jack1
After months of research, all of the seven major characters in the film wound up being based on historical samurai who once existed.

Seven Samurai   7/02/14
by mrtylerdurden
When a samurai finds a bunch of old samurai armor, the other samurais are angry and sad for a little bit, but then move on and don't really speak of it again.

Seven Samurai   3/15/14
by The Gunslinger45
Seven Samurai was the film that helped me really appreciate foreign films beyond Godzilla, and started my attempts to seriously seek out other great foreign filmmakers.

Seven Samurai   11/19/13
by JayDee
When the samurai discover a hidden cache of samurai weaponry and armour, stolen off of samurai that were killed after wandering into the village, the group reacts with anger and indignance.

Seven Samurai   1/26/13
by seanc
I am not one to talk about film length very often, I think a film should be however long it takes the director to tell the story.

Seven Samurai   4/19/11
by TylerDurden99
A village decides to fight back against bandits by hiring masterless samurai to defend their poor village.

Seven Samurai   12/01/07
by meatwadsprite
The majority of the samurais are older and light hearted - with one in training and another more rouge warrior who dosen't exactly fit into the samurai name.

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