

Whiplash   2/28/15
by Iroquois
It becomes clear very early on that Whiplash is supposed to be a deliberate deconstruction of a very specific type of narrative - namely, that of a teacher using unorthodox methods to unlock a student's untapped potential, driving the student to achieve by any means necessary. ...

Whiplash   2/09/15
by kathepburn
The former is driven to become "one of the greats" of jazz music, and is willing to strain his relationships, endure severe psychological abuse and draw both sweat and blood to achieve this greatness. ...

Whiplash   1/31/15
by mrtylerdurden
Every time that Andrew starts drumming in front of Fletcher, I tensed up, hoping that he would hit every note perfectly, hoping that he wouldnt do anything wrong, so that he could avoid Fletchers wrath, and not be the one in the wrong. ...

Whiplash   1/28/15
by War of the Movies
The movie is all about music and battles between two persons, between themselves, Andrew and Fletcher, because the student does not agree with Fletchers way of teaching, and a battle within themselves, how they live their lives with the choices they make. ...

Whiplash   1/13/15
by JayDee
In amongst all the massive event movies (Interstellar), issues movies (Selma), technical marvels (Birdman) and awards bait (Theory of Everything) that are jostling for Oscar nominations one smaller, unassuming film seems to have shot up the outside and become the darling of many a viewer; Damien Cha... ...

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