North by Northwest 6/07/23
by Gideon58
This film was robbed of a 1959 Best Picture nomination and, as he was so many times, Hitch was also robbed of a Best Director nomination. ...
North by Northwest 4/08/17
by Citizen Rules
North by Northwest (Hitchcock, 1959)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Writer: Ernest Lehman
Cast: Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery ...
North by Northwest 9/23/15
by BraedenG33
Incredible action, non-stop thrills, an incredibly well written and complex story composed with technical superiority by one of the greatest auteurs in film history, North by Northwest is a masterpiece as are the other Hitchcock films I've reviewed. ...
North by Northwest 9/25/12
by Daniel M
The film is not without its flaws however and watching it over 50 years since its creation we certainly see some of the elements differently now, some of the screens and backdrops used are less than convincing and the editing of the final scene has been criticised by some but this is not enough to d... ...
North by Northwest 2/21/08
by meatwadsprite
There are some really amazing looking scenes throughout as well (especially the house toward the end) , but also some really bad looking parts like the forest : which is one of the fakest sets I've seen in a film. ...