Star Trek: First Contact 6/05/14
by The Rodent
The plotline could have been super-exciting, especially involving The Borg going back into the past and changing things around but sadly all the audience got was a small scale actioner that's laden with badly written humour; namely seeing Counsellor Troy drunk and Zephram Cochran being more of a com... ...
Star Trek: First Contact 12/14/13
by JayDee
/// It only took 30 years but First Contact marked the first occasion where the actual phrase star trek was uttered in Star Trek history. ...
Star Trek: First Contact 4/28/13
by TylerDurden99
None of the characters in the film really get the same kind of development Picard does, save for Data and his capture by the Borg, and Lily, a woman from the 21st century who is eventually the one who gets Picard to see the error of his ways. ...