

Fright Night   10/13/18
by SmudgeEFC1985
Watched this again last night, but then the previous review I wrote for it in February I think sums up why I love this film, and why its one of my favourite films.

Fright Night   1/05/18
by Joel
Rounding out the cast is a very funny, if briefly showcased, Jonathan Stark as the vampire's support system, William Ragsdale as the affable Charlie Brewster, and Stephen Geoffreys as Brewster's squirrely and obnoxious best friend, who actually turns in the most memorable performance in the film as ...

Fright Night   11/14/16
by MovieMeditation
I can certainly relate and reside with the cult following this film has earned and all the love it has been given by film freaks and fright fanatics all over the world.

Fright Night   7/30/12
by PeterVincent
The film centres around a schoolboy named Charlie Brewster, who after peeking through his window at his new neighbour discovers that vampires exist and his neighbour Jerry is one of the creatures of the night.

Fright Night   12/09/11
by akatemple
Charleys favorite TV show is Fright Night, it is kind of a late night black and white horror film marathon hosted by Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall) the great Vampire Killer.

Fright Night   7/03/10
by TheUsualSuspect
Along with the Lost Boys this vampire romp is something I can watch over and over and is another entry into a long list of vampire films that are

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