

Snowpiercer   3/07/22
by Omnizoa
You know I could easily see a movie like this done well, maybe in the style of Speed, where the lower class at the back of the train need to fight their way to the front to learn the train is only sustainable by child labor by design.

Snowpiercer   7/20/15
by MovieMeditation
This movie is dull as hell to put it clearly, and I never cared for the characters or where they where going.

Snowpiercer   4/30/15
by Citizen Rules
Snowpiercer is set in a post apocalyptic future in the year 2031...The film starts by showing us a group of forlorn, ragamuffin people who are stuck in the back tail section of a super luxury train, The Snowpiercer.

Snowpiercer   12/31/14
by Gatsby
Based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige, Snowpiercer is the lastest film by director Bong-Jun-Ho, a great South Korean director who's specialty is making dark and gritty movies that perfectly blend mainstream elements with arthouse.

Snowpiercer   7/05/14
by skizzerflake
The effects are quite good and, but the time the movie is under way, you forget that the basic premise of the whole world remnant riding around on a train doesnt really make much sense, because the train just seems like a metaphor for the worst in human stupidity.

Snowpiercer   4/05/14
by The Sci-Fi Slob
The train has a class system, with the lowest toward the back of the train and highest toward the front.

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