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What's Eating Gilbert Grape

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

I really don't have much to say about this movie. It was certainly good, but it wasn't that good. It was generally just kind of bland, but it was just entertaining and interesting enough to keep my interest. Donnie Brasco made me a Johnny Depp fan, and he gave another great performance here. Leonardo DiCaprio played his mentally challenged brother, and he did a great job making it realistic and believable, but I wish they would have done a bit more to make his character endearing to the audience, so you would have more reason to care about the character, besides just the fact that he's handicapped. I would have liked one more scene with Depp and DiCaprio bonding. Besides that, I really liked Depp's character, and I thought their family was interesting in general, and I liked his relationship with Juliette Lewis, but none of it was particularly great or intriguing. I don't mind having a movie without any gimmicks, but then the movie would need exceptional characters and character relationships, and this movie was just about average in those departments.
