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Flight of Fury

Flight Of Fury (2007)

If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a Steven Seagal fan. I like quite a few of his movies, even some of his straight to DVD ones. Flight Of Fury, I borrowed from my friend a few weeks back and never got around to watching until tonight for a few reasons. One, there are better movies I should be watching than this. Two, I never thought it could be any good. And three, my friend wants his copy back. Flight Of Fury isn't a good movie; but in the confines of a straight to DVD actioner, it ain't exactly a bad one either.

Steve plays a pilot who is given a mission to go and find a stolen plane in Afghanistan. It's a plot that's been done a million times before, and FOF doesn't exactly do it better, but it does do it competently. The camerawork is nothing new or original, but works for the film. I'd actually consider this as a film that plays it fairly safe; nothing too wild (excluding one unneeded, but welcome lesbian scene), nothing too hard to follow (it's a Seagal film) and nothing too original. The acting is average, the action is mediocre and that's what the whole film feels like. It's perfectly mediocre.

There really is not much to say about Flight Of Fury. It's not something I'd recommend you to urgently see, or even casual viewing, but if you do come across it on tv or something, there are worse ways to spend your time.