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Triumph of the Will

Day 224: December 10th, 2010

Triumph of the Will

In the words of Hitler himself..."incomparable glorification of the power and beauty of our Movement".

With the recommendation from mark f, Triumph of the Will found it's way into my dvd player. Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will is a propaganda/documentary film about the Nazi rallies upon the arrival of Hitler.

Unlike a lot of other directors, Riefenstahl had final cut on the film; no interference from authorities. Along with the fact that she was one of the first female directors makes this an astonishing accomplishment.

The opening sequences, which is arguably the most famous part of the film, "Arrival of the Saviour", depicts Hitler arriving from a plane. Many people who were not rich had never been in a plane at the time and this experience was new and exciting. This scene is meant to mystify the audience in glorious awe. Here is a man so powerful he flies above the clouds.

There are numerous shots of Hitler from lower angles, thus giving him the stature of power. These things are done in dozens of films today. The scene in which he stands outside a window is shot from below, showing that he is above everyone else and the people below continue to praise him.

Whether or not I agree with the content being shown, I admire how it is presented. The themes present in the film are power and unity. Hitler uses his power to try and unite a nation to see and pursue his goals.