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Day 136: September 13th , 2010

Heavy Metal

A Step Beyond Science Fiction.

Another film recommend last time around. Heavy Metal is an animated anthology of stories wrapped in a simple package. I remember seeing my dad had a copy of this on VHS when I was younger. I wanted to watch it because it looked bad ass. I mean, just look at that cover.

I had no real idea what I was in for. All I knew was that it was 'adult' and my dad wouldn't let me watch it. I did anyways, and I saw cartoon boobies. I was excited.

Watching it again years and years later, the animation look archaic, yet of it's time. I still dig it. The music is much like the title and adds to the awesomeness that is the Heavy Metal experience.

For the voice actors, it's full of SCTV members, for whatever reason. The only thing I can come up with is both were Canadian productions. They are alright, nothing too noteworthy to talk about.

I liked every story line, some more than others. The futuristic New York with the taxi cab driver always had a special place in my heart. It could be because it was the segment with the boobies, but watching it again, I just dig the whole atmosphere of that segment. Heavy Metal is something I would look forward to watching again, even the remake that is coming down the pipeline. It will be nice to see what they did with it in today's world.