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DAY 91: December 2nd, 2008.


"If he says Long Live The New Flesh and shoots himself, I'm going to be pissed"

That was a quote from my friend when we watched this...unique film. Of course he ended up disappointed, but I on the other hand thought it was just crazy enough to like. Cronenberg is one of those directors that is talented enough to make a bizarre film not seem too out of control. Much like Lynch, but just on different levels.

James Woods stars in this flick as an owner of a small TV station looking for the next big thing, enter videodrome. An erotic, snuff like show, that alters one's reality. Woods experiences some strange things, like becoming one with his television and his hand melting together with a gun. Weird enough for ya? That's only the tip of the ice berg.

It has a cult following, a rightfully so. It's one of those 'has to be seen to be believed' flicks.I recommend it. One of Cronenberg's better films.