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The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects (2 views)

This crime thriller might be surprising and fun for the first time , but it's definitely not a fully realized story. On my second viewing pretty much everything in the movie was just leading up to the twist without doing anything else.

The Usual Suspects suffers from a bad cycle - the characters don't develop much , so the performances seem thin , so you don't care about the characters , so you don't care about what happens to them. Everything in the movie has a sub-par quality to it , the visuals are good at times and then garbage the next second.

Kevin Spacey is forced to carry the whole movie on his performance and as good as it is , it's not strong enough to redeem this movie's shallow script. Even if there is a lot to be desired from the sound editing and visuals it's the script that is to blame here. It's not a deep and well thought out puzzle or an emotionally active character study - instead it's a build up to a lame twist.

This small film does not deliver one fourth of what you would want with this cast. It's not one of the great crime movies - Suspects is small time.