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Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2

The rare sequel that passes the original

Sam Raimi gives us the second part of his Spider-Man series.

Our story follows Peter as a struggling college student, juggling his job, class, friends, and being Spider-Man. Peter finally meets his idol Doctor Octavius who invites him to a new fusion reactor experiment they are going to do the next day. At that experiment he puts eight tentacles on him and the fusion reactor erupts and pulls a lot of stuff off the wall, killing his wife Rosie and fusing the tentacles to him and they take over his mind and becomes evil.

Tobey McGuire returns to the role that made him a star, Peter Parker. He plays a very good geek and an unconventional hero. Although he lays a bit on the cheese factors on time.

Kirsten Dunst plays Mary Jane Watson, the girl Peter’s been crushing on. She plays her role very nicely, I do have one problem, she gets mad at him and breaks up her friendship with Pete for the weirdest reason.

Alfred Molina is one of my favorite actors from Raiders of the Lost Ark to The Hoax, no slip ups on his performance, he almost made me sympathize with him.

James Franco is easily the worst in this movie, a major on the cheese factor. The one good thing about his character is that he has an awesome ending.

I liked this movie, the special effects were awesome (well-deserved Oscar,) the only problem I had was the acting and them putting on the cheese.