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Robocop (2 viewings)

Plot : Officer Alex Murphy is assigned to a new police department. He briefly gets acquainted with his new partner , but a robbery quickly takes place soon into the film. With no back-up he and his partner must take down heavily armed bank robbers with only pistols. Murphy is beaten by the robbers and they kill him - meanwhile a new corporate defense company has other plans for Murphy : he is transformed into Robocop !

Story : Robocop now the ultimate crime fighting machine starts a whole new type of havoc. The corporation responsible for building him is having problems when a long time boss is undermined by another - younger employee. Meanwhile , Robocop comes to relize who he was in his "past" life - and focuses his vengence on the people who killed him. I admire the number of things that seem small at the time but come back later in the movie as important - similar to many great action films , but the number of plot holes is pretty large. Somehow all these very distantly related characters know each other , robocop is ambushed by police for no reason , and robocop's invincible armor that can withstand bullets can't withstand a weakend guy shoving a wood spike into it : but plot holes aside it's still a fun story.

Action and Visuals : Hard hitting gun fights and some amazing cinemetography is really one of the big advantages this movie has to offer. Though the incredibly horrible looking frame-by-frame animated ED-209 is pretty hillarious.

Sypnosis : Defintly a lot better than I remember , though it's huge plot holes and hillarious looking robot defintly draw from the expeirience - you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this one.