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Psycho (1 viewing) [spoiler alert]
Plot : Marion Crane who is ready to leave her normal life steals $40,000 to runaway with her lover
Story : The first half of the story focuses on the Marion as she must controll her own fear of getting caught with the money. On her way to her boyfriend she checks into the Bates Motel where she is murdered out of nowhere and the movie becomes more of a mystery. The owner of the bates motel supposdly lives with his mother in a house right next to it. His mother is apparently "ill" and she is the one who killed Marion. As more people come to investigate the motel the mother continues to kill more people.
Pacing : For the most part of the film it is paced really great , but the scene where Norman (motel owner) gets rid of the evidence is really pointless and could have been taken down to about a minute.
How Scary : There aren't really moments that shock you right away - it's just the entire theme of the movie and the eerieness that scares you long after the movie is over.
Visuals : The Bates Motel really comes to life , although it actually is a movie set - I thought it was on location filming. Apart from that this movie dosen't opack a very big punch in this area : except for the shower scene.
Sypnosis : Although the story is really great for the most part - I didn't like this movie simply because it haunts you. I would say it is defintly the best horror film I have ever seen though.
My Personal Rating (I don't like horror movies)
Rating as a Horror Movie
Plot : Marion Crane who is ready to leave her normal life steals $40,000 to runaway with her lover
Story : The first half of the story focuses on the Marion as she must controll her own fear of getting caught with the money. On her way to her boyfriend she checks into the Bates Motel where she is murdered out of nowhere and the movie becomes more of a mystery. The owner of the bates motel supposdly lives with his mother in a house right next to it. His mother is apparently "ill" and she is the one who killed Marion. As more people come to investigate the motel the mother continues to kill more people.
Pacing : For the most part of the film it is paced really great , but the scene where Norman (motel owner) gets rid of the evidence is really pointless and could have been taken down to about a minute.
How Scary : There aren't really moments that shock you right away - it's just the entire theme of the movie and the eerieness that scares you long after the movie is over.
Visuals : The Bates Motel really comes to life , although it actually is a movie set - I thought it was on location filming. Apart from that this movie dosen't opack a very big punch in this area : except for the shower scene.
WARNING: "Psycho" spoilers below
Twist and Ending : For me it was pretty obvious that Norman was assuming the identity of his mother. But , the ending is one of the dumbest parts of the movie where the pschiotrist explains the whole thing. As for the exact ending - well that was defintly the scariest part of the whole movie.
Sypnosis : Although the story is really great for the most part - I didn't like this movie simply because it haunts you. I would say it is defintly the best horror film I have ever seen though.
My Personal Rating (I don't like horror movies)
Rating as a Horror Movie