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'Overlord' (1975)

Dir.: Stuart Cooper

Terrific film that follows a young naive lad named Tom as he carries out drill training for the D-Day landings in preparation for the big day. The film mixes some astonishing newsreel and archive footage of World War II with the fictional story of the soldiers, and the impending sense of doom that clouds the narrative really gets under the viewer's skin.

John Alcott, Kubrick's cinematographer for Barry Lyndon and a few of his other films shot this, and there are very obvious lineages between some of the images here and 'Full Metal Jacket', although Alcott passed away a year that film was shot.

Very few films convey the horror of events leading up to D Day as well as this film does. Even modern films like Saving Private Ryan don't get across what it must have been like in the days and weeks leading up to that event.

This is an underseen gem.