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The Snowman

On paper, this film looks amazing. Based on a successful mystery/crime series, directed by the man behind Let The Right One In, written by the writer of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, edited by an industry legend, Oscar winning cinematographer, starring Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Val Kilmer, Toby Jones, & J. K. Simmons. So why is this film complete trash?

A killer kills women when the snow falls in Norway. Isn't it always snowing in Norway? Anyways, a detective who has a Hairy Hole becomes involved in the case. He's a terrible detective with a drinking problem. We get some flashbacks with an insanely poorly dubbed Val Kilmer. He suffered from throat cancer and his voice sounds terrible, so they dubbed it over and decided to barely show his face when he talks. Unfortunate situation, but it is one of the biggest head scratchers in this film.

So Fassbender's name is Harry Hole. It is pronounced 'HOLY" I believe, don't quote me on that, but in the film they just call him Hole. Harry Freakin' Hole. Why not change his freakin' name? How can anyone take the film seriously with that thing lingering over their heads. The actors seem to be aimlessly running around with no real direction. Quick research tells me that they left out 10-15% of the script. Brilliant choice.

Onto of the ineptitude of this film, it is utterly boring. Nothing exciting happen here and the muddy plot is incoherent. This is a terribly bad film with incredibly talented people. So while it is funny to laugh at this film, it's depressing to think about how good it could have been.