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Jack Frost (1997)

Director: Michael Cooney
Writers: Jeremy Paige & Michael Cooney (story)
Cast: Scott MacDonald, Christopher Allport, Stephen Mendel
Genre: Horror Comedy

'After an accident that left murderer Jack Frost dead in genetic material the vengeful killer returns as a murderous snowman to exact his revenge on the man who sent him to be executed'

1997's direct to video Jack Frost attempts to blend humor with horror. The horror and humor comes from a psycho killer snowman. Of course this takes place at Christmas time, I mean who ever heard of a summer time snow man.

At first the comic bits from the town's people were funny and I laughed at the jokes. There's something inherently funny about small rural towns, well at least in comedy movies there is. In the first part of the film there was some clever stuff: Like when the Sheriff gets to work and throws that oatmeal crap that his son had made into the trash...and then, we hear his son's voice in his head "you said you would eat that later"...so dad picks up the gooey crap and puts it into his pocket...funny stuff. And when they find the first victim in the rocking chair and the chair is rocking back and forth, back and forth...then at the end of the scene the Sheriff tells his deputy "you can take your foot off the rocking chair now." Ha, that was clever.

But when Jack Frost comes back as the snowman and starts killing, the film got boring for me. I don't care about body counts and grisly ways to kill people...and that's what the second half of the film was about. Even worse was the inane one liners spit out by the snowman...ugh now that was the real horror. I didn't find any of his jokes funny but they did grate on my nerves.