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Jack Frost

Jack Frost
Director: Troy Miller

The Bookshop was sometimes a fun movie to laugh at. But Jack Frost is just plain deathly boring... It's one hour and forty minutes of no plot, no direction, no character development, really nothing going for it.

First of all, I will never re-watch this movie, it is so boring, stupid, and quite meaningless in message. I could hardly finish it, much less rewatch it.

One of the few decent things it has going for it is the originality of the idea. A dad dies and come to life in the form of snowman. Pretty original on paper... and they create this two hour slog with no good content.

How about it for the most boring screenplay possible? Everything is so scripted and forced, its like eating a piece of candy with 75 percent more sugar. It's so extra. They couldn't have had any original conversations rather than vague attempts at comedy (with no success)?

The characters aren't much better. We're given a semi-protagonist, the Dad, who's goal is to support his kid more. And then he dies... and the whole goal and conflict disappears even when he's re-incarnated. The one thing he does is go to his kid's hockey game, but by then it's not even really about him. The kid is another protagonist (possibly), but he has no real internal conflict, and his resolution is bad.

The acting is on par with the characters as well. The dad is so cringe-worthy, as is the mom. The boy's actually decent, but he too is a bit boring.

The structure is so bad, it's literally a nightmare. There's no clear plot line, development, characters, whatever. I get it, it's a family fun movie that we're not supposed to think about that kind of things. But how are we supposed to connect to it otherwise?

The pacing also sucks. The opening takes way too long with introducing the characters and then zooms past as the dad and son do all their adventures when he's a snowman. The resolution is short (thankfully), and the climax isn't really a climax. It's the dad leaving.

The theme basically is to accept loss, which makes it the third (and worst) movie I've watched in a row that deals with that. It definitely does it the worst, and I have no idea what the people were thinking with the Dad randomly at the end.

The visuals are boring and lame, nothing original done, just follows the faces and the scenes.

Not a single memorable melodic idea... Well, actually maybe one. I also really hated the music the Dad's band played.

Overall, I know this has been a pretty poorly-written review. But I don't have a lot of time, and I'm too lazy to write a decent review for a crap movie like this.