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House on Haunted Hill

October 15th

House on Haunted Hill

Original to a remake horror

It's late at night, I'm tired but I need to fit in a movie...House on Haunted Hill??? An Hour and fifteen? Let's go.

This film opens well, with horrific sounds of terror and despair over a black screen. The guests arrive one by one while the narrator explains who they are. Good set-up to a film that will eventually have awkward pacing, corny scares and a laughable ending. This film has a premise that deserved a remake, but even the remake fell flat. I'll check out the new Netflix show and hope that someone does something good.

I was surprised to see how close the remake was to the original here. I knew the basic premise would be the same with a rich guy inviting people to stay the night and earn money, but the husband wife dynamic is almost the same here as well. Not to mention the relationships between certain other characters that might come as a shock.

The scares were kind of funny, it's hard to look back on a horror film from the 50's and be scared when a lot of it is cheese. Some films manage to still scare people today, based only on the images we see presented to us. House on Haunted Hill kind of fails to deliver that.

At a running time of less than 90 minutes, I surprisingly found myself nodding off here and there. I'm glad I was awake for the final reveal though. A horror spectacle that turns hilarious when Price walks out as a human puppeteer. Too funny.