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Take Me

(Pat Healy)

A harmless, yet predictable kidnapping flick. It will garner a snicker here or there, but most of the time you're waiting for the film to catch up to the point you know it will eventually arrive at, which stalls any sort of suspense the film wants to generate.

Ray runs an awkward and unconventional business. He's an entrepreneur who specializes in high-end simulated abductions. That's right, he kidnaps you. He receives a phone call from someone looking to pay a lot of money to be kidnapped for an entire weekend. This goes against one of the ground rules Ray has, which is to not kidnap someone for more than eight hours. He goes against his gut when the money is too good to turn down. Things get a little complicated when the question arises; did he kidnap the right person?

Parts of the film work and work well. The on screen chemistry between Schilling and Healy manages to hold the film together for the short running time. There are several role reversals here that work for the story and the two of them manage to play off each other to positive comical effect. This is a small film, with very few characters, so the success of it really relies on these two. They succeed in their part, but the film itself fails them.

Where the film faults is the idea that it thinks it can trick the audience, or at the very least make them question the possible outcomes. Too many instances did Healy try to make you believe one thing, only to try and shake that belief in the next scene. To me, there were too many obvious signs that pointed to only one possible outcome for the story. While the film starts off with an interesting concept, it quickly falls into mediocrity that makes me question if the script should have taken more chances. The obvious answer is yes....it should have,