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Prom Night III: The Last Kiss

What? What???

I guess I should expect this one to be different, since it's the third entry after all not to mention it was marketed as a parody of the first two movies. But it really was strange. Very, very strange.

The thing is... The things that work about this movie work against it at the same time.
First off, the comedy. There were pretty funny lines throughout, most of which stem from characters just acting unusually casual about very extreme situations. You gotta love Alex seeing his biology teacher dead and not even bat an eye. More than just not bat an eye, he's almost completely fine with it. Mary Lou however is the real cartoon character, who does all kinds of fun little hijinks she can think of in the most gleeful manner. Courtney Taylor replaces Lisa Shrage as the character. Whereas Shrage was fairly believable, Taylor hams it up to the highest degree. But that is kind of the point with every actor in this movie. They are utterly terrible, but the cartoony nature of the acting is part of the humor. You can argue whether this is such a good thing or not, but most of them do have their moments.
The music soundtrack was pretty funny as well. Like picked right out of a kids show.

That being said, it wasn't a particularly clever movie. Sure, it has some very funny or amusing moments (like the depiction of Hell, the dumb line about mental illness, the silly comments about how women are tedious), but it has quite a bafflingly dumb storyline and a sense of staying over its welcome. I can't take anything going on in the movie seriously. At all. I know you're not really supposed to, but any sort of tension, which is comedic but you are meant to be invested in, becomes redundant. I should feel worried about Alex? Or Sarah? Or his family? Every character is an annoying ass'hole, including Mary Lou herself. They may give you smiles due to their funny lines, but you do not IN THE SLIGHTEST care about whether they die or live. And that's a problem. It also results in the movie being really boring, since you don't care for the story. It takes FOR-EVER before Alex decides he's had enough. FOR. EVER. I know he's supposed to be the dumbest prick ever, but how he also switched from being cool with it even after protesting to then immediately deciding "That's it!" was so poorly handled.

A mixed bag. It was an admirable effort at doing something different. And it honestly could have been a lot worse (thank God I chuckled enough that it in parts made up for the poor writing), but to someone who loves the first two movies it's pretty disrespectful in a way.

5.8/10, = low