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Ida (2013)
Director: Pawel Pawlikowski
: Pawel Pawlikowski & Rebecca Lenkiewicz
Cast: Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik
Genre: Drama
Language: Polish

About: A young woman who is about to take her vows and become a nun in 1960s Poland. Before she can take her vows she discover a dark secret about her family that involves her aunt and the Germans during WWII. The film follows her as she discovers what had been hidden from her.

: Very enjoyable film. I had wanted to see Ida for a long time and I was not disappointed. It's so exceptionally well made, that I don't know where to begin?

Let's start with the black and white photography...I love b&w, and the choice to use it here was perfect. Without color, our eyes & our minds go then to the shape and form of what we are looking at...And OMG talk about amazing compositions! I loved how the camera shots were framed with the subject often very low in the frame, with a vast space of emptiness over their heads. Which shows us how small Ida is compared to the world outside of her convent, a world she knows nothing about. Through black and white cinematography we see the shape and form of a bleak communist Poland, circa 1962.

If Orson Welles was still around he would be impressed with the cinematography, it's power is in it's starkness.

I'm curious did everyone see Ida in 4:3 format? which is almost a square picture. My DVD was that way, and I liked it too, very different for a newer film to be released in 4:3 screen format.

Equally I was impressed with the subdued minimalist style of story telling. Very simply done and very effective. I thought Ida was an interesting story and it held my attention. Excellent nomination.