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10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane
(2016, Dan Trachtenberg)

I'm going to start this review off by saying that I have never seen the original Colverfield. It never really seemed interesting to me, and I am not a fan of found footage films. This movie however did stand out to me in many ways. It had a genius marketing campaign, and the concept seemed original and unique. I'm glad I haven't seen Cloverfield, because I feel like it would have impeded on my viewing experience.

10 Cloverfield Lane follows a girl named Michele, who has a car crash and wakes up in an underground bunker. A beyond creepy man named Howard tells here that the world has been destroyed, and everyone in the bunker are the only survivors left. My biggest problem with this film was the unnecessary involvement of Cloverfield. The reason I am glad I had not seen the original film before seeing this, is because I would have just been waiting for the connection to happen. I won't spoil anything, but when the connection between the two films does happen, it is very forced. The acting was well done, but John Goodman was the only performance that really stood out.

While I very much enjoyed the experience of watching this movie, I wouldn't go as far as to say this movie was well made. I enjoy being tense and stressed when watching a movie, especially when I'm in the theater. While I was incredibly tense during this movie, that was mainly because of jump scares and unexpected audio changes. Another problem I had with this movie was that it was slightly clichéd. There was only one really unexpected moment, and that was at the very beginning.

Overall, this film was a fun experience, but I would only recommend it if you see it in a theater. If you only want to see this movie because you are a big fan of the original Cloverfield, than check it out, but don't expect much. In the end, this was a fun popcorn flick that I enjoyed watching.