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King Kong vs. Godzilla


Recently I decided to watch every single Godzilla movie in order, and I think this is the greatest idea I have ever had. This is the third Godzilla movie in the franchise, and most of them have been nothing but fun. While the original Gojira has been haled as great political commentary, I simply watched as a giant man in a dragon suit terrorizing a tiny city filled with people whose voices don't sync with their mouths, however this did kickstart a hilariously incredible franchise.

The first sequel in the Godzilla franchise, Godzilla Raids Again was boring because the movie took itself too seriously, but Godzilla vs. King Kong is where the series first started getting weird. The film is about a wealthy business man who wants to capture another monster after Godzilla is awaken from the glacier he is placed in in the last installment. The business man then sends his two workers to a remote island to capture King Kong, the monster they worship. There is also a couple in the film, but all they do is take screen time away from what should be ape vs. lizard action. Many failed attempts at both defeating the monsters, and trying to add character development, Godzilla and King Kong both end up together with a few bets to settle (bets are literally made in the movie about who will win), and this is where the fun starts.

If there's anything that this movie does right it is that it's the most fun Godzilla movie out of the three that I've seen. I would definitely recommend grabbing some buddies and turning this movie on, it is pure fun. Also do yourselves a favor and skip past all of the parts with human characters in it. While this movie certainly is NOT a good movie, it sure is a hell of a lot of fun, and it definitely worth a watch to see two of the most iconic movie monsters face off.