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Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza, Martha Carbonell, David Vert View AllCrew
Jaume Balagueró (Screenplay), Jaume Balagueró (Director), Paco Plaza (Screenplay), Paco Plaza (Director) View AllRelease: Nov. 23rd, 2007
Runtime: 1 hour, 18 minutes
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A part of me thinks that maybe the film should have spent more time developing these characters, but another part of me thinks that this would have removed the authenticity of the film, because everything was happening at such a quick rate that its hard to comprehend what is occurring at times and s....
A part of me thinks that maybe the film should have spent more time developing these characters, but another part of me thinks that this would have removed the authenticity of the film, because everything was happening at such a quick rate that its hard to comprehend what is occurring at times and s....
Now what made those two films work is the same thing that made this film work, it's also the same thing that made Quarantine NOT work.
Now what made those two films work is the same thing that made this film work, it's also the same thing that made Quarantine NOT work.
Used Future
'[REC]' is a low budget Spanish film, and was actually the first of these films to be released (2007 in Spain only).
'[REC]' is a low budget Spanish film, and was actually the first of these films to be released (2007 in Spain only).