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Christian Bale, Taye Diggs, Angus Macfadyen, Matthew Harbour View AllCrew
Kurt Wimmer (Screenplay), Kurt Wimmer (Director) View All
Release: Dec. 6th, 2002
Runtime: 1 hour, 47 minutes
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I went to go see this tonight, didn't know a thing about it. Never seen the trailer, or read any plot synapsis or anything of it. I have seen the poster...and read the brief review on Penny-Arcade, ...
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Reviewed by

Once Preston has stopped taking Prozium and allowed emotions to enter into his life the film completely ignores his home life and how he hides this change.

Equilibrium, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated and underexposed action movies of this decade..

Christian Bale plays this super killer guy , who's been trained all of his life to shoot people - when he decides he doesn't want to take his medicine anymore , it turns into a good old slow-motion shooting frenzy.