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Across the Universe
Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, Joe Anderson, Dana Fuchs View AllCrew
Julie Taymor (Director), Dick Clement (Screenplay), Ian La Frenais (Screenplay) View AllRelease: Sep. 14th, 2007
Runtime: 2 hours, 13 minutes
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Reviewed by
Across The Universe is ambitious, beautiful and will have you singing along to the tunes. It's about thirty minutes too long and has very little character development and plot, but the story is there..
Across The Universe is ambitious, beautiful and will have you singing along to the tunes. It's about thirty minutes too long and has very little character development and plot, but the story is there..
Fans of the 1975 Ken Russell musical Tommy and the 1979 Milos Foreman musical Hair will have a definite head start with an intoxicating 2007 musical called Across the Universe, that takes a simple star-crossed romance and makes it something purely unique thanks to striking and endlessly imaginative ....
Fans of the 1975 Ken Russell musical Tommy and the 1979 Milos Foreman musical Hair will have a definite head start with an intoxicating 2007 musical called Across the Universe, that takes a simple star-crossed romance and makes it something purely unique thanks to striking and endlessly imaginative ....
...a promise of a grand visual and musical experience, and Across the Universe delivers unwaveringly..
...a promise of a grand visual and musical experience, and Across the Universe delivers unwaveringly..