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Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard View AllCrew
Christopher Nolan (Director), Christopher Nolan (Writer) View All
Release: Jul. 15th, 2010
Runtime: 2 hours, 28 minutes
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At 44 min. in, Inception kicks me in the nuts *again*.
Ok, what did you guys figure out about the following?
I keep analyzing this film and on the 6th time around (this one time just hopping around) I came across the scene in Mombasa where Cobb tries the...
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The movie takes you through everything Leo encounters as you get to see all the twists and turns that he encounters while he is forced to go into someone's dream, in a dream, in a dream.

It's always interesting and engaging the viewer. It doesn't slow down to explain things, and doesn't really need to..

...for this perceiver of the shared dream I woke up after the end credits generally satisfied yet still wanting more than I was given..