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Cast and Crew of Son of God


Roma Downey
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Diogo Morgado
Louise Delamere
Darwin Shaw
Amber Rose Revah
Mary Magdalene
Andrew Brooke
Simon Kunz
William Houston
Samson Nonso Anozie
Ramesses Stewart Scudamore
Goliath Conan Stevens
Thomas Matthew Gravelle
Pilate Greg Hicks
Caiaphas Adrian Schiller
John Sebastian Knapp
Judas Joe Wredden
Simon the Pharisee Paul Marc Davis
Adam Paul Knops
Eve Darcie Lincoln
Noah David Rintoul
Abraham Gary Oliver
Young David Jassa Ahluwalia
King David Langley Kirkwood
Balthazar Patrice Naiambana
Joseph Joe Coen
Young Mary Leila Mimmack
Herod Antipas Rick Bacon
Barabbas Fraser Ayres
Matthew Said Bey
Malchus Paul Brightwell
Martha Sana Mouziane
Lazarus Anas Chenin
John the Baptist Daniel Percival
Joseph of Arimathea Noureddine Aberdine
Simon of Cyrene Idrissa Sisco


Writer Nic Young
Director Christopher Spencer
Writer Christopher Spencer
Writer Richard Bedser
Writer Colin Swash
Sound Effects Editor Ben Meechan