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Jerzy Trela, Agata Trzebuchowska, Agata Kulesza, Dawid Ogrodnik View AllCrew
Pawe? Pawlikowski (Screenplay), Pawe? Pawlikowski (Director), Rebecca Lenkiewicz (Screenplay) View All
Release: Oct. 25th, 2013
Runtime: 1 hour, 22 minutes
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The thing is that Wanda is, in many ways, the opposite of what Anna (or Ida, which happens to be her real name) represents; she's a sexually promiscuous, chain-smoking, alcoholic that used to be a Communist resistance fighter during the war.

I have a large amount of respect for the movie and its ambition regardless of its flaws, one of the issues I have with it is the pacing, for only an 82 minutes running time, "Ida" does feel drawn out a bit during a few scenes, I also would of liked more depth to Agata Trzebuchowska's chara....

Thus begins a road trip where Ida and Wanda have different goals - Wanda wants to give Ida a chance to experience more of life before taking her vows, while Ida wants nothing more than to find her parents' remains and give them a proper burial.