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The Innocents
Deborah Kerr, Peter Wyngarde, Megs Jenkins, Michael Redgrave View AllCrew
Truman Capote (Screenplay), Jack Clayton (Director), William Archibald (Screenplay) View All
Release: Dec. 15th, 1961
Runtime: 1 hour, 40 minutes
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The Innocents
Was there not a problem with its release in the States due to those two kissing scenes?...
The Innocents (1961) [Possible Spoilers, although none in the first post]
Having read a few recent posts about this film, I've decided to create an in-depth review/discussion of The Innocents (Jack Clayton, 1961) here. Now, I don't want to write so much up front that nobody...
The Innocents (1961, Jack Clayton) - Spoilers
I've wanted to have an in-depth discussion about this movie forever, and now that several MoFos have seen it, including Harry Lime and birdygyrl recently, now's as good a time as ever. If you haven't ...
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Reviewed by

I loved how the film kinda changes at around the 3rd act, it was actually a really cool concept to explore in a 'haunted house' film.

This is only the beginning of many incidents which seem to possibly have more than one explanation, and as the film progresses, it becomes more-difficult to decide what the truth of the situation is.