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The World's End
Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Eddie Marsan View AllCrew
Edgar Wright (Director), Edgar Wright (Writer), Simon Pegg (Writer) View All
Release: Jul. 18th, 2013
Runtime: 1 hour, 49 minutes
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Reviewed by

and Gary King in particular has been given a history that is far more touching and tragic than any character seen in the Cornetto films so far.

This feeling of isolation resonates throughout all three films, Shaun of the Dead with the zombie apocalypse, Hot Fuzz with village life being cover for a more macabre exercise, and now The World's End, where visiting old adolescent haunts gives way to the invasion of the very human race.

The films little epilogue almost ruins it, and it ends incredibly abruptly, but, I suppose they just wanted The World's End to be it's own film, and not a farewell to two other films.