Fight Club or Magnolia


I'm gonna compare the 2 and going in i put Magnolia as tops, what do you prefer?


1 is the loneliest number, chance and not chance, this feels like an old home, recognitions all around, pausing at 12:58 where it gives a weather update. How would this compare to Requiem for a Dream? 53:38


For the longest time i hadn't seen it, it surely is a feat, but it never jived with me ya know, but maybe this time it'll gel?? What's more horrifying than the doc saying "No, you need healthy natural sleep." The therapy addiction should have been the whole movie, and how Helena Bonham Carter appears is lovely. 17:47 -- the way HBC walks confidently and quickly through a building and outside is like Red Zora in In a Year With 13 Moons. The humor is effective for the most part, since i haven't overwatched it.

Magnolia is vastly superior.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Recently decided to kick Fight Club out of my top 250 but I do still prefer it over Magnolia.
It can get old right? Catch phrases and all are like nails screeching on a blackboard sometimes.

Society researcher, last seen in Medici's Florence
Magnolia is vastly superior.
I second this.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Magnolia put me to sleep

Fight Club forever
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I think Fight Club is a smarter film than many of its fans give its credit for since it's of the "you're missing the point by idolizing them" category. Hopefully, all the people going "Brad Pitt is so hot and the character he plays is so cool" will grow out of that phase someday. Its musings on toxic masculinity are still compelling and it's an interesting film for that reason. Does it deserve its high IMDb ratings? No, but it's still very good.

I would have to go with Magnolia though as the superior film. Its portrayal of the long‐term impact which parental neglect has, in addition to its concluding statement of, though you may find brief reprieves from your suffering (the frogs), that trauma will never go away and will always be there to follow you, is truly unparalleled and far more impactful than almost everything in Fight Club. Topped with numerous well‐edited and directed montages which put the vast majority of Hollywood to shame and an utterly perfect late film monologue by Jason Robards, it's easily the better film.

Fight Club for me. I've discussed this before, but I do not like P.T. Anderson movies that are "serious" if you know what I mean. For lack of a better word, they take themselves too seriously, not to mention come across as too heavy handed. It's as if Frank T.J. Mackey is behind the camera.

I've got nothing bad to say when his subject matter is much less severe and/or at a smaller scale like it is in Hard Eight, Boogie Nights and Punch-Drunk Love, for what it's worth.

Fight Club for me. I've discussed this before, but I do not like P.T. Anderson movies that are "serious" if you know what I mean.

Even the master piece that is There Will Be Blood?

Fight Club for me. I've discussed this before, but I do not like P.T. Anderson movies that are "serious" if you know what I mean. For lack of a better word, they take themselves too seriously, not to mention come across as too heavy handed. It's as if Frank T.J. Mackey is behind the camera.

I've got nothing bad to say when his subject matter is much less severe and/or at a smaller scale like it is in Hard Eight, Boogie Nights and Punch-Drunk Love, for what it's worth.
That's how Phantom Thread struck me..

Even the master piece that is There Will Be Blood?
I'm afraid so. There's just something so off-puttingly forceful and heightened about his direction when he gets serious that rubs me the wrong way. I leave feeling pummeled rather than enriched, in other words.

I’ve seen Magnolia three times and I liked it way less each time, and could barely tolerate it by the end. I’ve seen Fight Club many more times, and still think quite highly of it. So…Fight Club all the way.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.