Happy Birthday, SilentVamp!


Happy Birthday,

Happy birthday!!


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Hi darling vamp. Can't post a groovy gift from hospital so that will have to wait. Yesterday Mr d bought me profiteroles. OMG. Perfection!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Thanks, guys!!! I really appreciate it.

I'm sorry that I didn't see this sooner, though. I just wasn't up to being online - or much of anything else - these past few weeks. Truth be told, something else happened in my life that didn't make it any easier. I've debated with myself whether or not I would bring it up - particularly in such a place as a birthday thread - but I might as well. Citizen Rules found out the other day and I might as well just mention it now to everyone else - mainly because if I still seem a little distant you will understand why. The most unbelievable thing occurred. The same thing that happened to my mother also happened to my father. My father died 4 weeks to the day that we buried my mother. She was on October 16th and he was on November 17th.

So, needless to say, this has been an exceptionally hard time (especially with birthdays and other holidays that have been happening), but I do want to try to get back into things again. I have to, basically. And slowly but surely it will happen.

And as I haven't been around for awhile, I will now take a gander at what has been happening here.

Thank you again for the birthday wishes.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'm sorry - I know it's hard, Vamp. Your mom's loss really must have hit your dad hard.
Thank you.

Actually, this October would've marked the 28th anniversary of their divorce (I can't believe it has been that long already!). Yet, I knew it depressed him, and it would've done the same to her - they got married when they were 20 - so they knew each other for a long time (and she would've felt terrible if she would've known how things played out). But there was a small series of circumstances that led to my dad's death. And even though he wasn't entirely well, his was also a death that just came out of of nowhere. It is hard to explain, but the two of them suddenly being gone like this - and in the way that they both passed - is what is so unreal. It really is something that is not very easy to process. But we are all trying. You accept it because you have to, but that doesn't make it any less hard to believe. I don't if that makes any sense, but it is the best way that I can describe it.

So sorry Vamp Couldn't imagine something like that happening in such a short time, will keep you in my thoughts.

Also belated happy birthday! haha. Must have missed this thread when it happened or i wasn't around. Looking forward to your return!