A man keeps on travelling 10 and 10 years into the future. What movie?


I have been searching for a movie for several years now, without results. It could be an unknown TV-movie. I watched it on TV sometime in the 90's, at least I think not later than that. The spoken language was English or American. And it didn't seem to be that old when I watched it.

The movie starts with a young man leaving his house, probably to go to work. He kisses his wife goodbye and takes the car. As far as I remember, he drives the car off the road and passes out. He wakes up and gets a ride home by another man. And when he comes back to his house, his wife seems surprised to see him. She looks different to him, so he asks her what happened, and she asks him where he has been for the last 10 years.

All this happens very early in the movie. And as the movie continues it seems that the man can't stay for more than a day or so, before he sleeps or passes out and he timetravels 10 years further into the future. And this timetravel continues throughout the movie. Several things happen during the movie. He even has a few children with his wife, at least a son, which he gets to meet during his «breaks». And I think his wife also married the guy who gave him a lift after the car accident. But we never actually see what people are doing while he is gone. The movie constantly follows him, and we only knows what he sees and is being told.

Naturally his wife gets way older than him during the movie. Before the movie's last timetravel 10 year forwards in time, they decide to set up a camera which records what happens to him during the timetravels. He wakes up, thinking nothing has happened at first, but he has timetravelled yet again. He and his wife watch the tape, and I think it showed how he disappeared during the timetravel. It seems that some kind of aliens were behind it, for what reason, I don't remember. His wife somehow gets in contact with the aliens, probably right before the next time he is scheduled to travel. She pleads them to stop what they are doing. This may be the only time in the movie where we follow the wife and not the man.

As far as I remember, the movie ended with the time being reset to the start of the movie.

I hope this sounds familiar to anyone.

Could be. I'll check it out. But in that case it's "Outer Limits", since I have all "Twilight Zone" episodes on DVD, except for the 2002-series. And thanks for the advise...

Thanks a lot. I found it on Wikipedia, and it's also on YouTube. I'm watching it now.