Heard of these ?


House of Sand and Fog
The Automatic Hate
The Grey
The Edge

If so, thoughts ?

House of Sand and Fog
The Automatic Hate
The Grey
The Edge

If so, thoughts ?
Well mainly that The Grey and The Edge will have similarities – I haven't seen either, or any of the others unfortunately .

House of Sand and Fog
The Automatic Hate
The Grey
The Edge

If so, thoughts ?
I've only heard of The Grey and even then I haven't seen it

Heard of a few. Seen The Grey and The Edge. Three people on this site have written reviews of The Grey and two have written reviews of The Edge.

I prefer the latter (though they'd make a great double feature). Classic Mamet, over-dramatic in all the right ways without seeming chewy or fake, mainly because it's in the hands of such accomplished actors.

"Say it! I'm going to kill the bear! Say it!"

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Seen House of Sand and Fog. Pretty good but so grim and depressing and full of detestable characters. Not seen the others.
I wasn't able to watch it till the end. I was bored

Legend in my own mind
The Grey. Easily in the top 20 worst films that I have ever seen.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
House of Sand and Fog
The Automatic Hate
The Grey
The Edge

If so, thoughts ?

House of Sand and Fog
was a nice subtle film. It just exists. If you have the endurance to just witness moments then it should be fulfilling. I enjoyed it for what it was.

The Grey
requires endurance on another level. For me, it was just grim and torturous for the sake of being so. I enjoyed it, but like the Road, it's a movie I'll only watch once. Or twice, if I feel the need to punish myself emotionally.

The Edge, I can take it or leave it. The action was fine but I found it a bit annoying eventually that the main character survived all that he encountered just because he was confident, all while solving some side mystery. I guess I'm oversimplifying, but really that was the take away for me. He was the Matrix's Neo, of the woods.

I've not seen the other two. Thanks for the references.

I Enjoy Working With People
I've heard of House of Sand and Fog and The Edge, and I've seen The Edge. Mildly liked The Edge - a bit contrived for me, but OK on the strength of Anthony Hopkins' performance.
"I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."

-- HAL9000

The only one I've heard of is The Edge, which I didn't mind, but my wife is the real fan of that one around here.
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

The Grey was an ok watch even if I thought it was forgettable and somewhat bland.

I feel similar about The Edge, but I enjoyed it more.

I think The House of Sand and Fog is easily the best of the lot.

I've only heard of the other two and would watch The Automic Hate.

I wanna say thanks to everyone here for their responses to this thread. Sorry if I haven't been good about responding to individual comments. I don't spend too much time on the site, and often times, I'll read responses from others and just not know what to say in return.

I wanna say thanks to everyone here for their responses to this thread. Sorry if I haven't been good about responding to individual comments. I don't spend too much time on the site, and often times, I'll read responses from others and just not know what to say in return.
I know what you mean -- I mean -- er -- um -- I'm at a loss for words. (Kidding. )