The ring 0 and the ring 2 dvds


has anyone got the dvds of the ring 0 and the ring 2. i just saw them in virgin. would it be wise to buy ring 2 as its the original ones that were made by that japanese bloke. its just the ring ive seen was a remake and i have nt seen the original version yet
swindon town fc will never die.

Brasco's Avatar
DonJuan de la Nooch
I've seen the Japanese version and I liked it a little better than the remake. There are minor differences between the two such as emotion. I don't want to give anything away, but it is definitely worth a look.
Look at these morose muther****ers, looks like someone S**t in their cereal.....BONG!!!!

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
Ringu is a completly difrent look at the same basic story. though its much more magical than the remake I my self preferred the remake only because the over all film was authenticly scary. gore vabinski is a excellent director and had such a fresh look at something was only made five years before the have to obviusly unerstand that a japanese film will be much more......artistic in a way that gore vabinski altered it to make it more amarican or even canadian. if you like subtitles and foriegn films check it ouit ts a great flick just to see as a foriegn film but as an original to an amarican remake...most think it doesn't live up to the remake..which is sad....I loved it and loved the remake the same just in difrent may swell who knows...youdo so see it..
"YoU'r bOdy iS A bOaT tO laY aSiDE wHEn yOU ReaCh tHE FaR sHOrE...OR sEll It, iF YoU cAn FiND A foOL.......ITS FULL OF HOLES."