Saving Private Ryan vs The Thin Red Line


Which One?
13 votes
Saving Private Ryan
10 votes
The Thin Red Line
23 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Two great films for entirely different reasons, Saving Private Ryan's technical brilliance is just astonishing and Malick's artistic expression in The Thin Red Line is equally so.

Overall though I prefer SPR.

Saving Private Ryan without a doubt.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Saving Private Ryan by far. I found The Thin Red Line *puts on flame suit* pretentious.

Not even compareable so why bother...

Saving Private Ryan is this huge mainstream sentimental war drama, while The Thin Red Line is this artistic expressionistic visual poet about war among other things.

I like both of them, but it's been a long time since I watched either.

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
I was blown away when I first saw Saving Private Ryan on its initial release and have seen it 4 or 5 times since. I think it is one of Spielberg's finest films and having seen his earliest attempts at making movies when he was about 10 years old I think it was very personal.
As far as The Thin Red Line, and as I posted in another thread, it is probably the only film I walked out on in the last 25 years (Also saw it on first release). But maybe I should give it another chance. Maybe.
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

Thin Red Line. Both great though

Master of My Domain
Definetly The Thin Red Line

The problem I have with Saving Private Ryan is that Spielberg uses the terrifying war images and battles to describe the cruelty of war shown in the front part to do the generic good vs. evil plot.

Look out! The Art House Mafia's coming!
Did someone call me?

That's a no-brainer. The Thin Red Line.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Definetly The Thin Red Line

The problem I have with Saving Private Ryan is that Spielberg uses the terrifying war images and battles to describe the cruelty of war shown in the front part to do the generic good vs. evil plot.

I think battle scenes are pretty much mandatory in most war films and can be a very effective way of showing the cruelty of conflict. And Saving Private Ryan's battle scenes are downright haunting. In the beginning scene, soldiers are seen retrieving ammunition from severed comrades (who are still alive and in agony), it's disturbing and powerful stuff.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Obviously I'm going to say Saving Private Ryan. It's my favorite movie of all time, and it had a major effect on my life. Watching it made me decide to join the Army, which I've never regretted.

As for The Thin Red Line, I was disappointed by the film completely. I'd read the novel, and I'd never seen a Malick film, so I thought the film was boring, pretentious, and made a mess of a story that I really loved. I don't begrudge people who liked it, but I definitely wasn't one of them.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

The Thin Red Line, definitely. Saving Private Ryan has an exhilarating, bravura opening sequence and the ending is impressively staged. However, the middle act of the film drags a lot and often feels too sentimental.

Aside from being a beautifully meditative and haunting statement on war, The Thin Red Line is also very technically impressive. The action sequences are astonishingly visceral and thunderingly resonant. Some may regard Malick's method as pretentious, but I think it has never been as fully realised and evocatively expressed as in The Thin Red Line.

Obviously I'm going to say Saving Private Ryan. It's my favorite movie of all time, and it had a major effect on my life. Watching it made me decide to join the Army, which I've never regretted.

As for The Thin Red Line, I was disappointed by the film completely. I'd read the novel, and I'd never seen a Malick film, so I thought the film was boring, pretentious, and made a mess of a story that I really loved. I don't begrudge people who liked it, but I definitely wasn't one of them.
Interesting that you found the film "pretentious" but not the novel. I think both have a very similar tone and focus, one of the rare cases imo where a novel is satisfyingly adapted into a film.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Interesting that you found the film "pretentious" but not the novel. I think both have a very similar tone and focus, one of the rare cases imo where a novel is satisfyingly adapted into a film.
completely disagree. The novel was pretty straightforward, there was no "poetic ruminations" on the war, the book was rough and raw and had a story I could actually follow, and characters who were recognisable AS characters. I hated that one of the main characters in the book was changed dramatically from a near illiterate racist hick to a guy who goes AWOL on a tropical paradise island and spends the entire film waxing philosophical. The family of James Jones loathed the film, and I can see why.

wanabe movie critique
Saving Private Ryan. Portrays the realism of war better.