Ghost Ship

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I'd like to hear other peoples opinion on Ghost Ship after I give mine. This movie wasnt that terrifying, the plot wasn't great, but the gore action was fantastic, and that gave the movie a few points for me. The plot all and all wasn't terrible, but yet it wasn't good. I'd recomend seeing it just because of the gore, but if your looking for a terrifying movie, to make you jump every 5 seconds, this isn't it, the ending was rather lame too. All and All I gave it a 6.0 out of 10.0.

I took my girlfriend to see Ghost Ship last night. Let's just say she was clinging to me the whole time. It really wasn't a bad movie for the psychological thriller that it was made out to be. Hell, I would go see it again if I had nothing better to do. Has anyone else seen it yet?

i thought its was pretty good, nothing amazing but yeh, was worth it to me =)

i really enjoyed it, and the opening sequence was freaky
"I can't think of a quote"- Pat

I haven't seen this, but I think that you either hate it, or you love it. Same thing with Moulin Rouge. I still can't believe they sang Like A Virgin in Moulin Rouge, though. It's set in, like, the 1800's!! Madonna probobly died, and then rolled over in her grave, after seeing that!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."