Desperate to know what is this movie


There was a very funny scene in a movie in which the intruder puts hot dogs in a tennis ball thrower, so the hot dogs fly into the tennis court where the doberman watch dogs are guarding the house. The dogs devour the hot dogs and get so full, the cannot move, and let the intruder pass right by them.

Does anyone know what movie this was?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The F/X movies were a lot of fun. I thought the point was that the hot "dogs" were spiked with downers. Too bad that scene isn't in the trailer, but it sounds right to me.
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Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I have not seen the first FX in a while, one of the MoFo's just sent it to me to watch but I did watch the second not to long ago and they were filled with downers I believe but I thought it was a pretty spot on match to the description (except the eating till they were to full part).

Thanks, this was driving me crazy. I could not find anyone who knew what movie this was from.
I just saw the scene where the hotdogs were being lobbed into the tennis court, I did not see that he put downers in the hot dogs. I actually witnessed 2 rotties that helped themselves to an entire pot roast, and then have to be carried outside because they could not move due to over eating. I just thought the scene was so funny, I wanted to watch it again.