Do You Smell Donuts?


Ok, guys. As you can plainly see, I have another image for you. I am 95% sure I have seen this before, as it looks familiar, but I can't place where I have seen this gif before. Definitely looks 80s, very likely horrible, but that's right up my alley. Anyone know what this is from?

C.H.U.D. (1984)

IMDb Page | Wikipedia Entry

Skip to around the 1:19:50 mark to watch that scene
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”

Aww, it's C.H.U.D.? That's a disappointment. That movie is terrible. Of course, I expected as much, with an image like that. I used to love it when I was a kid, but when I saw it in my adult life, I was blown away by its awfulness. Thanks for your help!