Rise of the Planet of the Apes

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Great. Freakin'. Movie.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

...here, after decades of tales warning us about the overreach of technology and the likelihood that we will create machines that overthrow us, is a tale of the opposite: not a technological enemy, but a biological one. An insurrection not from aliens in the sky, or the machines around us, but from beneath. An inversion of the natural order....READ MORE

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Great review Yoda. And I so agree with you about the quality of it. In fact I've just given it the same rating in the review of it I've just posted

I loved it. There are a ton of flaws (Caesar was 8 when he led the riot, right? So he would still have been the equivalent of a kid or a young teen. And I wanted the humans' downfall to be triggered by something more stupid and destructive than a failed attempt to help the sick), but there's so much thought and ideas spilling out all over the place, so much soul and a character-based plot that builds up enough momentum to carry all before it.

I love great apes and read and watch as much as I can about them, to the extent that I even really liked Burton's Planet of the Apes because, unlike the originals, these guys behaved quite a lot like apes. There's tons here for someone like me (the signing Orang-Utan, the chimp clanging the can in the dominance display, etc, etc), and I accept that this movie couldn't have an easier target than me. But there's also tons here for action fans (it's a superbly-paced movie that climaxes in one of the best action scenes in years, in which several apes, especially the gorillas, get a chance to be totally awesome). It works as a sci-fi thought piece too.

I think I like it best, though, viewed from the Apes' Earth, back through the mists of times, as a dramatisation of the legend of Caesar. The force of the character, the fundamental rights and wrongs which shape him, the power of the acting/CGI- this is a terrific, mythic story about a legendary hero.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
the analogy of Star Trek and its recent reboot is bang on. I've wrestled with trying to explain it to folks who havent seen it, and so now i am giving notice that i intend to scoop that info and of course take full credit for the observation.

Terriffic review Yoda, can't hardly wait for your Review of Inside Job.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

I've seen it twice now. Such an awesome film. It's even encouraged me to re-watch the original again, plus all it's sequels for the first time, cheesy as they may be.

I didn't realise the premise for Rise is loosely borrowed from Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, made for an interesting watch.
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

I picked up on a few references to the original on first viewing. But after watching the original again, then seeing Rise for a second time, I must have picked up on about 6 or 7 more. Plenty of little nods for fans of the 1968 film.

Originally Posted by Yoda
It is not for nothing that the film's climatic battle takes place not only on a bridge, but in the fog. Or, more specifically, in a small break in the fog, obscuring for both species' not only what's in front of them, but the mistakes behind them that would have served as its only warning.
Extra thumbs-up for this little nugget...

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
It's cool to see where Tom Felton has landed himself after the HP series and so far it kicked off to a good start, especially with the RotPtA reviews. Great review!

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
The felton role wore out its welcome. A bit of a copout really..i mean who can blame the simians from risen up against an abusive douchebag. I would have preferred to have gotten more Brian Cox.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
You have finally gotten me to want to see this movie. Before it came out I had NO interest. Then it got good reviews and friends said it was great. I decided it could be good and now you've pushed me into the wanting to see it category.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You have finally gotten me to want to see this movie. Before it came out I had NO interest. Then it got good reviews and friends said it was great. I decided it could be good and now you've pushed me into the wanting to see it category.
This is exactly how I feel right now

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Rise of the Planet of the Apes was an enjoyable flick in large part because expectations going in were low to non-existant.

I Thought it was a fantastic movie, really enjoyable. Its made over 210 million already.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
One of the better movies of the summer. I enjoyed it
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Rise of The Planet Of The Ape's
(Directed By: Rupert Wyatt)

Well ime gonna start this review by saying this movie is awesome!. Rise the of the ape's is about Will Rodman (James Franco), Will is trying to develop a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, testing his cure on a group of chimpanzees it gives them a human level of intelligence. In the lab one of the chimps goes on a rampage and gets shot dead, later we hear she went on a rampage because she was pretecting her baby Caesar. All the the chimps are ordered to be put down in the lab after the inccident but Caesar is secretley taken home by Will, will later learns that Caesar has inherited his mothers intelligence and far beyond what anyone could of imagined. Not Wanting to give much more away about the story, but its Fantastic. read more

I gave the film a 9/10, meant to be going to see it again tonight.