Valhalla Rising

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Nicolas Winding Refn (2009)

On the plus side, Refn uses nature to produce a fine piece of cinematography. And Mads Mikkelsen gives a performance as "One Eye" that, as far as evil bad asses go, is as good as I have seen in a while. But this film could have been great except for one significant detail: a plot. Im not even bothered at the fact that there is very little dialogue. In fact, the limited dialogue added a level of realism that is rare in most films of this genre. But this picture decided to gives us an unusual combination of an ample amount of style with little to no substance. Its almost as if someone went into the editing room and cut out every signifiant part of the film. A decent script, not even necessarily a great script, could have made this an exceptional film.

I've seen this film and it it damned well done movie! I really usually like Norse related movies...

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I hear the lead character doesn't say a single word in the whole film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I saw the premiere at TIFF last year and have to say that Nicholas Winding Refn and Mads Mikkelsen were much more entertaining in their post-movie talk than the film was. It's certainly got style, but there's nothing to it. It's like a lobotomised Tarkovsky.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Just watched it, well most of it. I couldn't get through the whole thing. It was all to boring for me, even with the heads on spikes and pulling out guts scenes.

It looked great, but there was next to no substance for me and it did not make me want to continue watching it.

RIP 2002-2010
I hear the lead character doesn't say a single word in the whole film.
Nope, he's a mute, therefore he inherently can't say a word.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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the preview made me wonder if it was worth it - it reminded me slightly of The 13th Warrior or Outlander. strange, but in an atmospheric, mostly good way. so it doesnt even live up to that?
something witty goes here......

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
If you liked The 13th Warrior, I would recommend Centurion. Valhalla Rising tries to be artistic in a barbaric way. It looks great at times, but there's next to no story.