There Should Be A Film About The Fall Of Satan...


And the resulting war for control of the cosmos. Leader of the rebellion: Satan. Leader of the righteous ones: Archangel Michael. Featuring the other Archangels including Gabriel and showing the birth of human civilization.

This would be incredible to watch, to see legions of angels battling throughout the cosmos. Friends turn into enemies, enemies into friends. There is deception, lies, confusion. Who is good? Who is evil? Who should we follow, Satan, or Michael?

I think it's a good idea, and a movie about such a topic should utilize the technology used on "Avatar" for the most epic 3d movie series(because I think this subject should cover 3 or more movies) ever to be made.

Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Do's and don'ts? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? I'm looking forward to your replies.

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
Yeah there is. Called The following:

The car


Maximum Overdrive



Sorry but it was tempting.
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

NO! That's a movie about the apocalypse, I'm talking about a movie based on angels and the fall of Satan, before humans had made civilization.

This film would be based IN THE PAST. NOT THE APOCALYPSE! Get it?

Wow, chill out. Legion may not fulfill your criteria perfectly, but it's pretty flippin' close, from the looks of things.

If you're just tossing out the possibility of this film existing, just for the heck of it, well, I dunno; Christianity doesn't really talk about Satan in any way that indicates there was a "war" like the one you're describing, I don't think, so I'm not sure how likely any of that is. Obviously Hollywood will screw around with any story if they think people will pay to see it, but in this case they'd have to invent it out of whole cloth, and it makes just as much sense to make films like Legion that get to show a lot of the same things without having to screw around with Biblical stories too much.

Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Happy New Year from Philly!
Here is some information about two sets of producers trying to make a film from John Milton's Paradise Lost.

Not all ideas about the make up of Heaven and Hell come from the Bible. Many of our ideas about these places come from Milton's Paradise Lost in which Satan is a compelling rebellious figure heading an army of rebel angels against the throne of God, not against man. I think Beelzebub suggests attacking man to Satan, among other things such as capitulating to God, after they have been defeated by God's angels and are looking for new employment. This story of the fall of Satan takes place long before the fall on man.

Dante's Divine Comedy gave us the idea of hell as city where sin is dealt with in an almost bureaucratic specificity. The liars live in one section of town and tortured in one way while gluttons live in another neighborhood and tortured in another way.

More recently C.S. Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce and gave us the story of a senior devil advising a junior devil in how to tempt someone into sin and the notion that hell, separation from God was our own myopia.

But Hollywood and popular publishers seem stuck on apocalyptic visions loosely connected to that mad Rorschach blot of a book, Revelations.

Have you seen The Devil's Advocate?

Female Jungle Poster
Legend. It even has an awesome Satan in it:

"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

In My vision, Satan would NEVER look like a horned monster. In my own perspective on things, Satan has no reason to look like a monster, unless being in hell for so long had effects on his body. To me, Satan would always look like a beautiful, sexy man that commands power and respect.

Yeah, and I haven't read too much of Paradise Lost, but I do know the basic gist of it. Paradise lost would be great to see, and I'd pay a ticket for it, but I have my own vision on the subject.

I hope to one day be a great filmmaker and make my own set of films based on this topic, unrelated to Paradise Lost.

In my world, I would try to bring a little bit of reality into the drastically different world of biblical scripture. Heaven and Hell wouldn't be just flat plains of reality, they would be entire universes in and of themselves. They would be parallel realities existing side by side with our physical universe and have their own set of laws of reality. So heaven and hell are just two reflections of reality going to opposite extremes, so everything in our universe is in theirs, just exaggerated in respect to their realities.

In other words, yes, we will see angels battling in outer space, among asteroid fields and comets and stars and planets beyond our solar system.

Like in the spirit realm, or realms closer to Heaven, beings could pass through water without the need to hold their breath, since they no longer breathe air; they absorb energy from the universe.

And I would incorporate elements from other religions and paranormal faiths like reincarnation and astral projection.

The heavenly dimensions would be bright, lively, spacious, warm, and colorful, while the hellish dimensions would be dark, desolate, claustrophopic, cold, and desaturated. And of course there would be different "levels" to both, like what we read in scripture about the multiple "heavens", exceeding 7 levels sometimes, depending on the writer, and the levels of hell, like what we read in Dante's Inferno.

And my take on the angels is that they are not Androgynous. In the tale of Sodom and Gomorra, the angels that visited Lot were lusted after by the residents of the cities because they were so beautiful, and those were male angels, and even the men of those cities wanted them. So in my reality, Angels are among the most beautiful, sexy, and graceful beings in creation. The males would be very Masculine, and the females very Feminine. No mixing the two together.

The only reasons Angels were depicted in Renaissance art as Androgynous is because the priests requested they be Androgynous, so that the women attending church wouldn't lust after them.

In other words, Angels will make your jaw drop and your pants rise.

And about Angel wings. If they were to be depicted with wings, I think the wings should be like a hummingbirds; super fast. Their wings would flap super fast because hummingbirds are very graceful due to the fact that they can hover in place. Other birds look clumsy in comparison to hummingbirds. Hummingbirds have no problem going around cramped areas, but other birds slam into walls and such because they can't hover. So the Angels would have hummingbird speed to their wings.

And the environments of heaven would be like James Cameron's "Avatar" on steroids, where everything is super beautiful and larger than life.

more to come later. What do you think?

RIP 2002-2010
When the Hell did Satan ever fall, I thought he always watched where he walked.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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Angels don't walk, they fly.

On another note, I do believe the plot should be different from that of Paradise Lost, but I'll go read that poem again for the heck of it.