The Blob


In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I just saw the remake of this on Sci-Fi. I think it is such a classic Sci-Fi movie. For me it ranks up there as one of the greatest. Anyone else like this movie? I still liked it even though they edited the crap out of it.
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Female assassin extraordinaire.
wait, was it a remake, cause how could you have enjoyed the remake edited if you admire the original??

i remember the original and it scared the crap out of me at 8. have never forgotten it. have not seen it since.

another -- Night of the Living Dead -- the ORIGINAL.

Ugh - Night of the Living Dead. The second one was creepy, too. My dad is terrified of zombies - that and being buried alive. They totally freak him out.

You wanna know what makes it REALLY creepy? Those were filmed out here, and in some of them I recognize landmarks and places I've been!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Haha. I can't think of it right now, but I have a movie on tape about a guy who kidnaps people and buries them alive. I think its called the vanishing.

Their was the original Blob, which was black and white. And then they made the remake in color, with better effects. The reason it was edited was because it was on cable tv, there was no language and the violence was tooned down.

You are correct. It was The Vanishing.

Which one do you have? There were two versions from the same director. One was in 1991 from the Netherlands. The other was 1993 from the US. Both were adapted from a story by a guy named Tim Krabbe called The Golden Egg.

The US version had Jeff Bridges, Keifer Sutherland, Nancy Travis, Sandra Bullock, and others.
Beep Beep!

Female assassin extraordinaire.

i watched the blob in black and white ...

the worst part about night of the living dead for me is truthfully the end ... something about the music and the black and white and just the freaky cruelty of how the guy almost makes it then gets mistaken for one ... and how the dead zombie bodies were around, the freaky camera angles and score...

i remember the vanishing (american) and it wasn't particularly scary.

as for landmarks ... Amityville was filmed at a house in Anniston, AL i believe, which is my brother's/father's hometown ... and the house they filmed it at is right down the street and has always been (even before the movie came out) the house you always avoid.

Creepy, isn't it? In the sequel they end up in a mall which I've walked through several times as a young child - it is *VERY* scary to have it filmed like that.

And yeah, the ending was sad, but I have to admit: It was very well done. It reminds me of "Fallen" with Denzel Washington: the ending isn't necessarily one that leaves you feeling upbeat and happy, but it's just so surprising and "cool" that you have to appreciate it.

Okay I just watched The Blob, it's in my dvd player right now. It's in color and the guy in the commentary is saying it was filmed that way. But I could swear I saw the black & white version and it had the army in it. He said there's been remakes of it and even a Return of The Blob. I don't know what's going on but I liked the black & white version better. It's more mysterious and scary when it's full of shadows and you can't see anything. Has anyone seen Return of the Blob? And while I'm at it, has anyone seen that King Kong movie where he has a wife and child? I really want to see those.

I love that there is a Blob thread in the archives. Maybe mark if you still have access to that clip you posted awhile back you could shift it here? What a fun movie. Steve McQueen is such a young pup in this flick and already you can see a lot of that great little "Devil may care" attitude that I really loved about him. It's going to be The Blob's 50th anniversary this year so happy birthday blobby!

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