In Bruges


From new director, Martin McDonagh who won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film last year.

In Bruges

a Martin McDonagh film

Plot: Holed up in Bruges, Belgium after a difficult job, two hit men (Farrell and Gleeson) begin to differ on their views of life and death as they become used to local customs.

Ralph Fiennes
Colin Farrell
Brendan Gleeson

Directed by Martin McDonagh (Six Shooter (2005 Short) )


Release Dates
Jan 17 @ Sundance
Feb 8 - USA
March 28 - UK

Rated R

This poster caught my eye when I was working last Saturday, went home and searched for a trailer, looks decent, i'll probably see it. Plus the tagline is schweet.
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. ~ Jimi Hendrix

Saw it last night. Really good. It was really dark. I liked Colin Farrell in it. He was very funny when he wasnt saying anything.
Comment is free but facts are sacred

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Wanted to see it, but it came and went way to quick where I am.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

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