Ive always wondered....were the people in the movie....ALTERED physically in some way?

I say that because, while yes, we know the bad guys wore armour and seemed to be like rabid dogs on most occassions (This reminds of the "Mask" giving his speech about releasing his Dogs of War)....

....can we just accept that
(a) they were mentally ill, and
(b) they altered themselves physically, or
(c) they were mutated by harsh living/nuclear leftovers....?

It really is an anthropological fascination that I have with these sort of caste societies: they create themselves! I just am slightly grossed out over the intentional physical mutilation of one's self. It HAS to hurt.

That aside--have you seen Ghosts of Mars? Those people ALSO mutilated themselves.

That kind of physical alteration in order to identify with a certain group is.....actually something that happens, now that you mention it. On a FAR smaller scale though.

I suppose the extreme life conditions cause that kind of "grouping" to scale very fast, very quickly, and go much farther it would in a more controlled society. Interesting. It makes me wonder what sort of person Id be in those type of extreme conditions.

What caste are you?
something witty goes here......